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5 Essential Tips for Preparing Your Art Business for the Unexpected
Something that is often overlooked when talking about starting and running an art business is: Can your business handle an emergency? Can it survive chaos? The recent L.A. fires, have prompted me...
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Alternative Goal Planning for Introverted Artists
At the time of writing this post, it's just a week into January. This is the time when most of us are thinking about our goals for this year and what we want to accomplish with our art and business...
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5 ways to diversify your art business for sustainable growth
Buckle up my friend, because today we’re covering a big topic and that is how to diversify your art business and why you would want to in the first place. What does diversifying mean? In this cont...
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Navigating low art sale: How to stay positive when selling feel hard (Exercise)
At the time of writing this blog post, I’ve been seeing a lot of discussions online from fellow artists who are worried about the lack of sales this year. The holidays are upon us, and sales have r...
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Why a digital detox is important for introverted artists
As a sensitive introvert artist, I've learned the power of curating my digital space to align with my values and energy. Surround yourself with content that encourages your unique path and embrace ...
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Discovering Success by Embracing What Works in Your Art Business
In this blog post we're talking about importance of doing more of what's working in your business. While it may sound obvious, recognizing what truly works can sometimes be challenging. Our preconc...
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Quick Start Guide to Pinterest for Artists
As an introverted artist, I love using Pinterest because it allows me to share my work with a larger audience without having to be "on" all the time in the same way that Instagram or TikTok require...
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Best Option: Making art prints at home or outsourcing?
Selling art prints is a great way to make income from your art. It maximizes the earning potential for any artwork you create long after the original has sold. There are two ways to make prints. Yo...
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how to build financial support in your art business for when life gets messy
Something that we don’t want to think about or talk about often enough is how to set up a business that can hold steadfast when sh*t hits the fan. How prepared is our business to handle the difficu...
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4 passive methods for introverted artists to boost online sales
As an introverted artist, I’m always looking for low-key ways to bring sales to my shop that don’t require me to be “on” all the time in the same way that social media does. I love incorporating me...
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