a calmer way for sensitive introverted artists to earn from their art

"success doesn't have to be loud to be felt."

Throughout much of our lives, we've been told we're too quiet, shy, or overly sensitive. As we try to navigate the world of selling our art, our gentle disposition can seem like an obstacle we must overcome. So we start following the mainstream advice of putting ourselves out there by being more relatable and vulnerable, while also striving to provide value and entertainment to our audience. Despite our best efforts, this advice, though well-intentioned, can have the opposite effect on us. It leaves us feeling drained and taxed, instead of supported and inspired.

But success doesn't have to be loud to be felt. Success for sensitive introverted artists comes from embracing who we are wholeheartedly and seeing our sensitivities as our guiding stars, not our failings.

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4 passive methods for introverted artists to boost online sales

Why licensing is a perfect business model for highly sensitive intr...

Social media limits our view on how to make money from our art

create art & make passive incomeĀ 

Integrating passive revenue streams is a gentle way for introverted and highly sensitive artists to expand their business without sacrificing the things that matter most.

Inside my exploratory guide, Passive Revenue Streams for Artists, I share an in-depth overview of 7 ways to make passive income from your art.

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Hey there!


Read my storyĀ  ā˛¯

I'm Patricia Vargas, a digital artist who's both highly sensitive and introverted. Since 2013, I've been selling my colorful art online asĀ Parima Studio.

At first, running a business that didn't align with my true self was really hard and exhausting. Trying to force myself to sell in the same way as others took a toll on my mental well-being.

However, over time, I've discovered methods to sell art thatĀ work with my sensitive traits. I've also found tools and resources that allowed me to take the breaksĀ I needed to refreshĀ my creative and mental energy.

That's the reason I started The Quietly Thriving Artist. My goal is to pass on what I've learned so you can create a business that fits your unique needs perfectly.