Making Beautiful Art Prints at Home: The Resource Guide (Early Bird Pricing)

A guide to all of the supplies you need to start creating and selling prints from your home or studio. From the printer to packaging supplies and everything in between. Whether you're just beginning or aiming to upgrade, this guide will support the growth of your business.

What you'll get:

  • Guide to choosing the right paper and printer for your prints
  • Links to all of the equipment & supplies you'll need to start making your prints. (From a small beginner setup to large format printing )
  • Plus, an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at how I print my Parima Studio prints.

$49.00 USD

Due to the nature of the product all sales are final. If you're not sure if this is the right product for you please read the sales page carefully. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out here. The Quietly Thriving Artist, a sub-brand of Parima Creative Studio LLC, does not guarantee, nor is responsible, for any results. By purchasing this product you agree not to share, copy, sell, or redistribute in part or whole for commercial or personal purposes. View full terms and conditions here.